chroma2 said:
Related idea: wire hangers reproduce while in the closet, but safety pins escape from the drawer and vanish.
kmk said:
I had a sort of epiphany this week regarding sentimentality.
We have been moving my husband's mother to a smaller unit in a senior facility. My husband and his siblings are - to my eyes - strangely sentimental about every single little thing in the apartment. They had a very adventurous upbringing and they lived in many, many different places. They moved, on average, every 3 years sometimes internationally.
In contrast my family comes from a long line of farmers. Generation upon generation stays in one place. My mother and dad have been in the same suburban house since 1966. The contents of the house have been completely changed over the years. "Old" stuff is tossed out and all new stuff brought in every 10 years or so.
Only this week did I realize that the concept of "home" to my husband is the stuff he grew up with whereas my own personal concept of home is a place on a map.
Crazy but true.
This new mindset has been very helpful for my understanding my husband's actions. When he wants to keep an ugly mid-century porcelain dish he is keeping the dish that "mom served green grapes with brown sugar on them". His memory of home is completely different than mine. It is a collage of items not a place.
I think it depends on how far you take it. If you are using the rent/utilities/grocery/medical money on your 'hobby habits', then that's a problem. If it is just a matter of where you direct your discretionary spending, then I think it's fine ... more than fine, actually!PeggyC said:
Are they addictions if they impact your financial health? My yarn habit and my husband's book habit are definitely a drain.
...or doesn't like cats... at all.lixouri said:
Cats are magnetically attracted to the one visitor who is allergic to them (or is wearing black).
It is my hope that this blog will be a sort of "repository" for those thoughts so that I can go back and see if I agree with myself some day in the future!
Observation #1
A dirty dish/spoon left in the sink will attract others in no time.