Spring Rain Thread

March 15th

So I gather some folk are worried about the storms in the midwest and what they will mean to us.

It looks like the worst will be over by the time they get to us Sunday evening.

Here's a forecast:

Today, cool, calm, overcast

Tonight, chance of a shower

Sunday wind starts to pick up a bit before sunrise, by afternoon steady 20 mph with gusts in the high 30s. Warmer, high 60. Overcast. Slight chance of showers becomes chance by midafternoon and pretty much a certainty by early evening.

Sunday evening wind dies down as showers become rain, mostly moderate with some heavier showers intermixed, and maybe even a bit of thunder. The bulk of the rain should be between 8pm and midnight as a line of heavier showers moves through the area. Total rainfall Sunday through Monday morning between 0.5" and 1.5" so there may be ponding and some runoff but flash flooding is unlikely.

Might see a lingering shower Monday morning, then clearing. Lows throughout in the 50s.I think it is unlikely that any of this, wind or rain, will reach advisory levels.

Aren’t we supposed to be getting more rain around this time of year? 

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