Band applications are now open from Feb 2 to Mar 9, 2025. Yes, you local bands, please submit your best one track that you think will engage our audience. (You know: your friends and neighbors looking to party down and have a good July weekend.)
Your submission could be original or a cover. It does not have to be professionally produced -- but, it should be of sufficient quality to allow us to detect your quality.
Hey: all info for bands is at
You can apply over the next five weeks at before we close it up and start our marathon listening sessions.
Bring it on!
Promote your business here - Businesses get highlighted throughout the site and you can add a deal.
Hold the date: Maplewoodstock 2025 will be the weekend of July 12-13, 2025.
Expect about the same format and arrangement and offerings as in previous years -- although we always tweak things to try to get a bit BETTER without trying to get much BIGGER. We try to run the festival "professionally," but it remains a volunteer effort OF and FOR the community.
A periodic reminder that there have been scammers in the past claiming to sell tickets, VIP access, merch, etc. Although we do amplify our messages on various social media and other accounts, IF IT IS NOT LISTED ON OUR SITE, DO NOT TRUST IT (or, at least be cautiously suspicious).
Any requests for Arts or Food Vendors or offers for a raffle submission or suggestions to purchase merchandise should be double-checked against our website -- which will have the authoritative info and links for any such activities.
Lastly, please considering supporting our Sponsors and Advertisers (listed on our website and prominently displayed during our festival weekend) and the Arts and Food vendors we offer. They are all local, and their (in most cases) LONG-TIME support and partticipation help us fund and offer this two-day free festival of Music and Art.