Should we be worried about martial law?

One of the most worrying things to me about Trump 2.0 is the utterly unhinged rhetoric about immigration. The latest example is how he's falsely tied the New Orleans attack to immigration failures. (and obscuring the obvious fact that we should be looking at why our military produced both the New Orleans and Las Vegas perpetrators. that doesn't fit the narrative, of course)

The problem with Trump is that he never, ever backs down. Once he makes an accusation, no matter how disconnected from reality, all he does is double down when challenged. And MAGA simply cheers him on.

And the rhetoric is not just coming from Trump. Homan and Miller immediately come to mind. There are others.

The President's ability to declare martial law is not at all clear, legally speaking. It seems like he is neither expressly allowed to, nor prohibited from doing it.

The rhetoric involving an immigrant "invasion", immigrant gangs taking over cities, illegal immigration causing record amounts of crime, etc and so on, (none of which are true, obviously) can very clearly be used as the premise for declaring martial law of some kind.

Any attempt by him to do so will undoubtedly head to SCOTUS. The odds of them knocking him down are close to zero.

Don't know about everyone else, but I find this to be quite worrisome.

Currently more worried about pervasive step by step degradation and multi-player grifting, but you could be right.  Going under my bed now.  Call me for 2026 elections, if any.

PS "And MAGA simply cheers him on."  For "MAGA," read "the whole Republican party," with semi-tacit help from Bezos, Zuckerberg, et many al.  Is there even one R left in Congress who speaks against him??

To be clear, I'm not saying we are under threat of the entire country being overseen by the military. Not even close. But I do think that there is that possibility for certain areas of the country, again, under the guise of a "national emergency" brought about by the invading hordes of immigrants.

drummerboy said:

To be clear, I'm not saying we are under threat of the entire country being overseen by the military. Not even close. But I do think that there is that possibility for certain areas of the country, again, under the guise of a "national emergency" brought about by the invading hordes of immigrants.

Trump will almost certainly try to invoke the Insurrection Act if there are any large demonstrations like BLM that he opposes.

He will be especially eager if it's in a city like Chicago, San Francisco, or NYC.

Yeah, you should totally be worried about martial law.  Hell, up here we are worrying about foreign invasion.

Anyhow, I just came by to check in with all you folks.  Good luck navigating the new fascist state.  I'll look back in come February to see how many of you are still standing.

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