The MOL "Free to a Good Home" (Freecycle) Thread

To make it easier for MOLers to keep materials out of landfills, would it be useful to have a category where people could post about materials that they prefer to give rather than throw away? We all know that one person's trash is another person's treasure.

The MOL Classified section currently accomodates this, but classified sections traditionally carry items for sale, where people go when they have a specific need. How about having a "Free" category right here in the posting section - think how easy it would be to find something that maybe you didn't even realize you needed while arguing furiously here? : )

Most importantly, it would serve as another vehicle to keep materials out of landfills. I think it would be a great community service and add even more value to the posting section. MOL goes green!

What say?

I think it's a great idea. Now that there are new regs about toys and stuff like that, many thrift shops won't take them. It bothers me to think of perfectly-good Legos being thrown away, both for the environment and the sheer waste factor. That's just one example, but I think it's a good idea. I have a ton of toys that are too young, but still good, and I don't know what to do with them.

It would be an ongoing online garage sale (but free) that everyone can participate in right here in MSO...

that sounds awesome! I love the idea" width="" height="" alt="cheese" style="border:0;">


Especially with people out of work or suffering from pay cuts. And anything left over should certainly go to charity. Silkcity - have you tried charities in the area? I don't think they have regs like that.

Oooh, I like that idea too.

That is a fantastic idea. I have some things that I've been thinking about posting on Freecycle, but I'm hesitant to have strangers come to my house for a "porch pick-up". I think I might feel a little more comfortable if it were somebody from MOL, though I have noticed when I've posted things in Classifieds that people call from more towns than I would have expected.

I am the (current) proud owner of a changing table that is making its way around Golf Island via word of mouth. When I am done, I would rather make it available to all of MSO instead of waiting for someone here in Golf Island to need it.

Mem, Yeah, it's actually charities that no longer take this stuff. It's state law and fairly new that you can't resell toys and some other kid stuff. Places like Goodwill no longer accept it. I think it's a lead concern?? Anyway, it means lots of stuff thrown away, I'm afraid.

I had great success with a "virtual" swap-meet in our neighborhood last year.
I already have at least a dozen items I'd post to the MOL group and give to anyone who'd like them.

It would be best if this were up-and-running before the spring time, weather's getting warm, and I need to clean out the garage/basement or I'll go crazy time of year!

Perhaps there would be a group wide charitable pick-up every 3 months or so.

In about a month I have a ton of free stuff that I will be putting out on the curb. I will post about it at that time. I think a free category would be great.

Silkcity, I work with several shelters and organizations that accept toys, I have worked with many of these:

Kmk: I regularly accumulate donations from friends, neighbors, etc. in the area, in addition to occasionally housing hotel discards that end up here instead of directly at the shelters I work with, and then the organizations send a van here when it is large enough. I wouldn't mind serving as a "Freecycle Leftovers" drop off.

There's a free items category in the classifieds:

It doesn't cost anything to post to it.

Jamie - I didn't know that was there! Can you make that easier to find from the posting section here?

I'll try to get around and make it a separate classified page and highlight it better from the MOL/SOV homepages.

It should have a "banner ad" of it's own! I NEVER go to the classifieds but I definitely glance at all the free stuff offered on the message board.

you SHOULD go to the classifieds - it's an amazing resource:

Jamie - Thanks! I always forget about the Classified section, and I also have the impression that it's hard to find from the homepage for some reason.

mem, you think of the best ideas! I would definitely participate in a swap or free recycling section.
And thank you, too jamie.

I have an upright piano - not in the best of shape but eminently tunable - that's available for free. You just gotta get it outta here.

I do visit the Classifieds from time to time, just by way of window shopping. Also scan the free section, because that's where a lot of animals turn up. In fact, that's how I ended up adopting my cat Mischa.

But it's a great idea to make it more visible and draw attention to the free area.

This seems to have been working pretty well:

I work in Orange, in the schools, as a social worker and would love to tap into the MOL community to help families in often dire need ( lack of furniture, beds, etc). I could be a middle person for people who want to give items away, but don't want to open their home to strangers. I live in S.O. , and have been on this line previously as I collect gently used children's books that are given away free through the Children's Book Pantry of Orange at the Y (395 Main St, Orange).
(Donate your "outgrown" children's books! Give those books a second life inspiring another child. This facilitates literacy. Literacy changes lives!)

In fact, I have a family who was terrified at my making a home visit as there was no furniture in the house. Five kids. Looking for beds, living rm furniture, and table, chairs.
AND a volunteer mover/ person with truck or van that could help move these donations. I've got the families in need! Orange has a large immigrant population and some kids live in pretty dire circumstances. I'll always collect books (baby and children's only), but I'd be happy to expand this to other items that could enhance the life of children/families living so close and in such need. I've been hoping for a site like this! Carol Lukoff

I also work in Orange with adult psychiatric clients. I've gotten some really nice donations for their thrift shop from MOL community (and MEM, thank you!!). The clients "work" in the thrift shop for work experience (it's just open to other clients), and they earn vouchers to "buy" things. the prices are also very low (like .10 or a quarter) for them to buy items.

the clients live in boarding homes and many have been homeless at times.

I use the Free section of the Classifieds frequently for getting rid of things and for finding items my clients could use.

the problem for thrift stores is there is a new law that if they sell any item that has been RECALLED, they will be fined. The first time it is something like $1,000 and the next time $10,000. I haven't heard of it actually happening to someone yet, but people are scared. In theory, you could be fined if you sold something at a yard sale, but people suspect that the ones who will get prosecuted first are "professionals", such as thrift stores, or people who run estate sales.

I know one person who's ebay account was shut down permanently because he was selling some lawn darts that have been recalled!

Posted By: crazy_quilterI know one person who's ebay account was shut down permanently because he was selling some lawn darts that have been recalled!


Wow...I'm surprised since lawn darts are usually so safe!

Ebay was the last place to find stuff that has been recalled. The world will never be the same.

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