Yes, he's insane and he's being called out for it. Finally.

am I just stating the obvious?

I guess we can argue about what "insane" means.

but this guy makes so many off-the-wall statements that there is no other way to describe him.

and I'm not even talking about the unending stream of lies coming from him every damned day.

is it not clearly insane to say that he would like Canada to be the 51st state?

or that he wants to take over Gaza, while assuring us that all of the ME leaders that he's spoken to agree with him?

this is beyond lying.

how long can he be humored?

nah. never mind. I forgot that Biden was senile.

(even if you think he's just trolling, the fact that he thinks it's useful to inject these ideas into the discourse as he pretends it's what he really wants to do, it's still insane. just of a different sort.)

drummerboy said:

am I just stating the obvious?

I guess we can argue about what "insane" means.

but this guy makes so many off-the-wall statements that there is no other way to describe him.

and I'm not even talking about the unending stream of lies coming from him every damned day.

is it not clearly insane to say that he would like Canada to be the 51st state?

or that he wants to take over Gaza, while assuring us that all of the ME leaders that he's spoken to agree with him?

this is beyond lying.

how long can he be humored?

nah. never mind. I forgot that Biden was senile.

(even if you think he's just trolling, the fact that he thinks it's useful to inject these ideas into the discourse as he pretends it's what he really wants to do, it's still insane. just of a different sort.)

I think this was the logical conclusion when he suggested we inject bleach or shine light inside the body. If he were seated on the next barstool I would discreetly move away.

the very definition of insanity

words fail

[image or embed]

— Aaron Rupar ( February 6, 2025 at 9:08 AM

Amin was competent. 

I don't think talking about how "insane" he may be is helpful. I do think he's consumed by hate (going back to long before he first ran), along with being so ignorant that he doesn't know how harmful his ignorance is. Add in his obvious selfishness and probably sociopathy, and that's a danger that too many people "happily" overlooked because he appealed to one or more of their own prejudices, or desire to see some others suffer.

In the meantime, who gives a **** about science, amirite? White House budget proposal could shatter the National Science Foundation - Ars Technica

nohero said:

I don't think talking about how "insane" he may be is helpful. I do think he's consumed by hate (going back to long before he first ran), along with being so ignorant that he doesn't know how harmful his ignorance is. Add in his obvious selfishness and probably sociopathy, and that's a danger that too many people "happily" overlooked because he appealed to one or more of their own prejudices, or desire to see some others suffer.

In the meantime, who gives a **** about science, amirite? White House budget proposal could shatter the National Science Foundation - Ars Technica

when creating this thread, I deliberated on whether to use the word insane. So I looked up the definition:

in a state of mind which prevents normal perception, behavior, or social interaction; seriously mentally ill.

Based on his observable, public behavior it seems to fit him perfectly, if you ask me. The problem of course, is not knowing what's actually going on in his head, i.e. does he actually believe the nonsense he spouts , in which case, obviously insane. The brain is broken.

as usual though, the other possibility is that he just says this stuff for effect, knowing full well it's b.s. But even there, it would be one thing if he were just some drunk in a bar. It's quite different if you're the single most powerful guy on the planet. I would then have to say he's still insane, in the way that a mass murderer is insane, regardless of how rational they may appear. Trump is saying completely crazy **** for very nefarious ends. That's not sane behavior. But in this case, the brain is evil but not broken.

So, I think that using the word is totally fair.

Now, whether it's useful or not, it's certainly not clear to me what type of discourse would be "useful". Useful in what sense? In terms of resistance? In terms of getting voters to change their minds? What? So, I don't know if it's any more or less useful than anything else, seeing as he got re-elected, which was not the optimal choice.

But the bigger issue for me with this is the constant sane washing by the legacy media of his behavior. We used to complain about the media normalizing his behavior. They're still largely doing the same thing now, except his behavior is worse by an order of magnitude. Sure, they've gotten over their fear of using the word liar, but other than that there's been no significant improvement.

Which leads to the question - how should the media usefully describe his behavior? 

I dunno the best way exactly, but it's certainly not what they've done in the past and continue to do.

Trump is not insane.  He does things I don't like. He has some dumb ideas.  He has a certain direct, no filter way of speaking that can be offensive. He's not warm and fuzzy.  He's an old man.

You know who is insane:  Some people with advanced or terminal Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).  

They let him live rent-free in their heads even over the four years he was not president.  They are absolutely certain about all the horrible things he is going to do and are angry if anyone else is not to the point of hysteria. You can't even have a conversation with some of these people without Trump coming up every other sentence. You ask them if they want soup and they say Trump is a soup Nazi in addition to be all kinds of other Nazis. 

These people need to get help.

for some reason, I used to kind of give you the benefit of the doubt and had at least a bit of respect.

no more.


you are a lost soul, like terp.

drummerboy said:

for some reason, I used to kind of give you the benefit of the doubt and had at least a bit of respect.

no more.


you are a lost soul, like terp.

Trump is not insane.  I don't like him and I did not vote for him but he is not insane.  There are people going off the deep end over this. Don't be that guy. 

Or are we being distracted?

For those writing or talking about what’s happening, it is important not to get distracted by Trump’s bright, shiny objects. No, Trump isn’t going to take over Gaza, annex Canada, try to retake the Panama Canal or seize Greenland. But Trump’s bizarre announcements are a feature, not a bug: they distract from the ongoing autogolpe.

When you draw hurricane paths with a sharpie, talk about injecting bleach, shining a light inside the body, talk about taking over other countries, with no thought of the consequences and no awareness of how "crazy" you sound, I'm fine with calling him crazy, nuts or insane.

Too many intelligent journalists or cable news commentators, try to analyze his behavior. Let's face it we do it on MOL and no one really figures it out.

Yup, he's out of his mind, bonkers, not playing with a full deck etc.

You have to be insane to think trump is sane…

"People who behave stupidly are more dangerous than people who behave maliciously. Evil people at least have some accurate sense of their own self-interest, which might restrain them. Stupidity dares greatly! Stupidity already has all the answers!"

somewhere recently in some periodical quoting someone else. (how's that for a citation?)

nan said:

drummerboy said:

for some reason, I used to kind of give you the benefit of the doubt and had at least a bit of respect.

no more.


you are a lost soul, like terp.

Trump is not insane.  I don't like him and I did not vote for him but he is not insane.  There are people going off the deep end over this. Don't be that guy. 

you have just lived through the most lawless opening period of a presidency in history. openly breaking the law and the constitution. You have a ketamine-addled billionaire taking control of the government's payments system. He has made crazy proposals about greenland, canada, gaza and panama.

and that just touches the surface.

and you accuse people of going off the deep end.

you absolutely must be trolling. no one could be this clueless.

drummerboy said:

nan said:

drummerboy said:

for some reason, I used to kind of give you the benefit of the doubt and had at least a bit of respect.

no more.


you are a lost soul, like terp.

Trump is not insane.  I don't like him and I did not vote for him but he is not insane.  There are people going off the deep end over this. Don't be that guy. 

you have just lived through the most lawless opening period of a presidency in history. openly breaking the law and the constitution. You have a ketamine-addled billionaire taking control of the government's payments system. He has made crazy proposals about greenland, canada, gaza and panama.

and that just touches the surface.

and you accuse people of going off the deep end.

you absolutely must be trolling. no one could be this clueless.

Maybe if I got myself sterilized because of Trump you would think I was sane.  

Do you not understand how the Russiagate hoax was a lawless coordinated effort between the deep state and the Democrats.  Do you not understand how overthrowing a democratically elected leader of a country is a lawless act?  How about the Iraq war?   

There is no way Trump can be the most lawless opening period of a presidency.  There is too much competition. 

nan said:

drummerboy said:

nan said:

drummerboy said:

for some reason, I used to kind of give you the benefit of the doubt and had at least a bit of respect.

no more.


you are a lost soul, like terp.

Trump is not insane.  I don't like him and I did not vote for him but he is not insane.  There are people going off the deep end over this. Don't be that guy. 

you have just lived through the most lawless opening period of a presidency in history. openly breaking the law and the constitution. You have a ketamine-addled billionaire taking control of the government's payments system. He has made crazy proposals about greenland, canada, gaza and panama.

and that just touches the surface.

and you accuse people of going off the deep end.

you absolutely must be trolling. no one could be this clueless.

Maybe if I got myself sterilized because of Trump you would think I was sane.  

Do you not understand how the Russiagate hoax was a lawless coordinated effort between the deep state and the Democrats.  Do you not understand how overthrowing a democratically elected leader of a country is a lawless act?  How about the Iraq war?   

There is no way Trump can be the most lawless opening period of a presidency.  There is too much competition. 

sure. sure.

The last two weeks have no parallel in american history.

but I guess you think it's great.

and please, give russiagate a rest already. there is tons of evidence that russia influenced the 2016 election. even if you choose to be blind to it.

Trump is either deliberately sowing chaos so that he can become America’s first dictator or else he just wants to run the greatest t.v. show in history. 

tjohn said:

Trump is either deliberately sowing chaos so that he can become America’s first dictator or else he just wants to run the greatest t.v. show in history. 

Trump is taking over the chair of the Board of the Kennedy Center.

The next Kennedy Center Honors for Kid Rock and Scott Baio, as Trump had said about January 6, "will be wild".

nan said:

drummerboy said:

for some reason, I used to kind of give you the benefit of the doubt and had at least a bit of respect.

no more.


you are a lost soul, like terp.

Trump is not insane.  I don't like him and I did not vote for him but he is not insane.  There are people going off the deep end over this. Don't be that guy. 

"insane" is not a clinical diagnosis. Neither is "senile" which you still throw around regarding Biden. So your credibility is pretty much nil on such topics. 

So Trump is not insane, but his behavior over his lifetime certainly suggests some sort of personality disorder like malignant narcissism. 

It does not much matter anyway if there is some diagnostic label to put on Trump. His behavior is impulsive and cruel. Not good in a POTUS. 

drummerboy said:

nan said:

drummerboy said:

nan said:

drummerboy said:

for some reason, I used to kind of give you the benefit of the doubt and had at least a bit of respect.

no more.


you are a lost soul, like terp.

Trump is not insane.  I don't like him and I did not vote for him but he is not insane.  There are people going off the deep end over this. Don't be that guy. 

you have just lived through the most lawless opening period of a presidency in history. openly breaking the law and the constitution. You have a ketamine-addled billionaire taking control of the government's payments system. He has made crazy proposals about greenland, canada, gaza and panama.

and that just touches the surface.

and you accuse people of going off the deep end.

you absolutely must be trolling. no one could be this clueless.

Maybe if I got myself sterilized because of Trump you would think I was sane.  

Do you not understand how the Russiagate hoax was a lawless coordinated effort between the deep state and the Democrats.  Do you not understand how overthrowing a democratically elected leader of a country is a lawless act?  How about the Iraq war?   

There is no way Trump can be the most lawless opening period of a presidency.  There is too much competition. 

sure. sure.

The last two weeks have no parallel in american history.

but I guess you think it's great.

and please, give russiagate a rest already. there is tons of evidence that russia influenced the 2016 election. even if you choose to be blind to it.

Like what?  There is no evidence that Russia influenced the 2016 election. That fact that you think there was shows you are the insane one.  

The last two weeks have been apocalyptic but not surprising.  


nohero said:

tjohn said:

Trump is either deliberately sowing chaos so that he can become America’s first dictator or else he just wants to run the greatest t.v. show in history. 

Trump is taking over the chair of the Board of the Kennedy Center.

The next Kennedy Center Honors for Kid Rock and Scott Baio, as Trump had said about January 6, "will be wild".

This IS something that will not turn out well. Just one cringe act after another. I don't see how he will even have time to do this.  Not a good look.  However, not going to be affect ordinary people who can't afford to go to the Kennedy Center.  And, eventually, this can be changed back to someone competent. 

ml1 said:

nan said:

drummerboy said:

for some reason, I used to kind of give you the benefit of the doubt and had at least a bit of respect.

no more.


you are a lost soul, like terp.

Trump is not insane.  I don't like him and I did not vote for him but he is not insane.  There are people going off the deep end over this. Don't be that guy. 

"insane" is not a clinical diagnosis. Neither is "senile" which you still throw around regarding Biden. So your credibility is pretty much nil on such topics. 

So Trump is not insane, but his behavior over his lifetime certainly suggests some sort of personality disorder like malignant narcissism. 

It does not much matter anyway if there is some diagnostic label to put on Trump. His behavior is impulsive and cruel. Not good in a POTUS. 

I would agree to narcissism.  I can see that.  But, Biden was not right in the head and the Democrats were not even going to have a primary.  That is insane. 

ml1 said:

nan said:

drummerboy said:

for some reason, I used to kind of give you the benefit of the doubt and had at least a bit of respect.

no more.


you are a lost soul, like terp.

Trump is not insane.  I don't like him and I did not vote for him but he is not insane.  There are people going off the deep end over this. Don't be that guy. 

"insane" is not a clinical diagnosis. Neither is "senile" which you still throw around regarding Biden. So your credibility is pretty much nil on such topics. 

So Trump is not insane, but his behavior over his lifetime certainly suggests some sort of personality disorder like malignant narcissism. 

It does not much matter anyway if there is some diagnostic label to put on Trump. His behavior is impulsive and cruel. Not good in a POTUS. 

tbf, I never said I was making a clinical diagnosis. "insane" is a word, and it has a definition, and trump fits it.

that's all.

nan said:

drummerboy said:

nan said:

drummerboy said:

nan said:

drummerboy said:

for some reason, I used to kind of give you the benefit of the doubt and had at least a bit of respect.

no more.


you are a lost soul, like terp.

Trump is not insane.  I don't like him and I did not vote for him but he is not insane.  There are people going off the deep end over this. Don't be that guy. 

you have just lived through the most lawless opening period of a presidency in history. openly breaking the law and the constitution. You have a ketamine-addled billionaire taking control of the government's payments system. He has made crazy proposals about greenland, canada, gaza and panama.

and that just touches the surface.

and you accuse people of going off the deep end.

you absolutely must be trolling. no one could be this clueless.

Maybe if I got myself sterilized because of Trump you would think I was sane.  

Do you not understand how the Russiagate hoax was a lawless coordinated effort between the deep state and the Democrats.  Do you not understand how overthrowing a democratically elected leader of a country is a lawless act?  How about the Iraq war?   

There is no way Trump can be the most lawless opening period of a presidency.  There is too much competition. 

sure. sure.

The last two weeks have no parallel in american history.

but I guess you think it's great.

and please, give russiagate a rest already. there is tons of evidence that russia influenced the 2016 election. even if you choose to be blind to it.

Like what?  There is no evidence that Russia influenced the 2016 election. That fact that you think there was shows you are the insane one.  

The last two weeks have been apocalyptic but not surprising.  


oh dear. mr. paulsorrentino3 has revealed his gross ignorance about American politics.

drummerboy said:

nan said:

drummerboy said:

nan said:

drummerboy said:

nan said:

drummerboy said:

for some reason, I used to kind of give you the benefit of the doubt and had at least a bit of respect.

no more.


you are a lost soul, like terp.

Trump is not insane.  I don't like him and I did not vote for him but he is not insane.  There are people going off the deep end over this. Don't be that guy. 

you have just lived through the most lawless opening period of a presidency in history. openly breaking the law and the constitution. You have a ketamine-addled billionaire taking control of the government's payments system. He has made crazy proposals about greenland, canada, gaza and panama.

and that just touches the surface.

and you accuse people of going off the deep end.

you absolutely must be trolling. no one could be this clueless.

Maybe if I got myself sterilized because of Trump you would think I was sane.  

Do you not understand how the Russiagate hoax was a lawless coordinated effort between the deep state and the Democrats.  Do you not understand how overthrowing a democratically elected leader of a country is a lawless act?  How about the Iraq war?   

There is no way Trump can be the most lawless opening period of a presidency.  There is too much competition. 

sure. sure.

The last two weeks have no parallel in american history.

but I guess you think it's great.

and please, give russiagate a rest already. there is tons of evidence that russia influenced the 2016 election. even if you choose to be blind to it.

Like what?  There is no evidence that Russia influenced the 2016 election. That fact that you think there was shows you are the insane one.  

The last two weeks have been apocalyptic but not surprising.  


oh dear. mr. paulsorrentino3 has revealed his gross ignorance about American politics.

Keep thinking that and the "insane" Republicans will win in 2028 too.  Remember what the real definition of insanity is--keep doing the same thing over and over and expect different results. 

nan said:

drummerboy said:

nan said:

drummerboy said:

nan said:

drummerboy said:

nan said:

drummerboy said:

for some reason, I used to kind of give you the benefit of the doubt and had at least a bit of respect.

no more.


you are a lost soul, like terp.

Trump is not insane.  I don't like him and I did not vote for him but he is not insane.  There are people going off the deep end over this. Don't be that guy. 

you have just lived through the most lawless opening period of a presidency in history. openly breaking the law and the constitution. You have a ketamine-addled billionaire taking control of the government's payments system. He has made crazy proposals about greenland, canada, gaza and panama.

and that just touches the surface.

and you accuse people of going off the deep end.

you absolutely must be trolling. no one could be this clueless.

Maybe if I got myself sterilized because of Trump you would think I was sane.  

Do you not understand how the Russiagate hoax was a lawless coordinated effort between the deep state and the Democrats.  Do you not understand how overthrowing a democratically elected leader of a country is a lawless act?  How about the Iraq war?   

There is no way Trump can be the most lawless opening period of a presidency.  There is too much competition. 

sure. sure.

The last two weeks have no parallel in american history.

but I guess you think it's great.

and please, give russiagate a rest already. there is tons of evidence that russia influenced the 2016 election. even if you choose to be blind to it.

Like what?  There is no evidence that Russia influenced the 2016 election. That fact that you think there was shows you are the insane one.  

The last two weeks have been apocalyptic but not surprising.  


oh dear. mr. paulsorrentino3 has revealed his gross ignorance about American politics.

Keep thinking that and the "insane" Republicans will win in 2028 too.  Remember what the real definition of insanity is--keep doing the same thing over and over and expect different results. 

like the aforementioned individual, you consistently reveal that you know squat about American politics.

nan said:

This IS something that will not turn out well. Just one cringe act after another. I don't see how he will even have time to do this.  Not a good look.  However, not going to be affect ordinary people who can't afford to go to the Kennedy Center.  And, eventually, this can be changed back to someone competent. 

Keep making excuses, you miserable twit !

nan said:

nohero said:

tjohn said:

Trump is either deliberately sowing chaos so that he can become America’s first dictator or else he just wants to run the greatest t.v. show in history. 

Trump is taking over the chair of the Board of the Kennedy Center.

The next Kennedy Center Honors for Kid Rock and Scott Baio, as Trump had said about January 6, "will be wild".

This IS something that will not turn out well. Just one cringe act after another. I don't see how he will even have time to do this.  Not a good look.  However, not going to be affect ordinary people who can't afford to go to the Kennedy Center.  And, eventually, this can be changed back to someone competent. 

In other words, Who gives a **** about the arts?

Great attitude. 

nohero said:

nan said:

nohero said:

tjohn said:

Trump is either deliberately sowing chaos so that he can become America’s first dictator or else he just wants to run the greatest t.v. show in history. 

Trump is taking over the chair of the Board of the Kennedy Center.

The next Kennedy Center Honors for Kid Rock and Scott Baio, as Trump had said about January 6, "will be wild".

This IS something that will not turn out well. Just one cringe act after another. I don't see how he will even have time to do this.  Not a good look.  However, not going to be affect ordinary people who can't afford to go to the Kennedy Center.  And, eventually, this can be changed back to someone competent. 

In other words, Who gives a **** about the arts?

Great attitude. 

Pick your battles.  

nohero said:

nan said:

nohero said:

tjohn said:

Trump is either deliberately sowing chaos so that he can become America’s first dictator or else he just wants to run the greatest t.v. show in history. 

Trump is taking over the chair of the Board of the Kennedy Center.

The next Kennedy Center Honors for Kid Rock and Scott Baio, as Trump had said about January 6, "will be wild".

This IS something that will not turn out well. Just one cringe act after another. I don't see how he will even have time to do this.  Not a good look.  However, not going to be affect ordinary people who can't afford to go to the Kennedy Center.  And, eventually, this can be changed back to someone competent. 

In other words, Who gives a **** about the arts?

Great attitude. 

I, of the ordinary people, watch the Kennedy Center Honors on TV, along with millions of other ordinary people. They are great shows.

And now we will have 4 years of absolute ****.


and to nan,

And you think he won't have time?

What in god's name makes you think he spends time "working" on anything? He spends way more time golfing than anything else. And he watches TV for hours a day.

seriously, exactly how blind can a person be?

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