US could lose "democracy" status --

U.S. could lose democracy status, says global watchdog

Lindberg said Trump is doing many of the same things as Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Turkey, Viktor Orbán in Hungary and Narendra Modi in India — only faster.
"It's the pace," Lindberg said. "He's trying to do in a few months what it took them eight to 10 years to achieve.… It's very dire."
What could happen next? Watch the courts, he says. Their actions, and Trump's response, are fundamental. In the countries that halted an authoritarian slide, he said, courts played a key role, citing Poland, Brazil, North Macedonia and Zambia.

I don't have the quote link but I read that Bannon said that we'll pick judges who'll see our point. And if some judges don't then we'll just blow the courts off.

TGreene said:

I don't have the quote link but I read that Bannon said that we'll pick judges who'll see our point. And if some judges don't then we'll just blow the courts off.

Yup, they picked 3 in a row, who lied during their hearings about accepting precedent with respect to Roe and then just completely changed their minds. They were picked specifically to do just that.

As for blowing the courts off when things don't go their way, they are doing their best now.

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