(any chance to get that in, soparent :winkhttps://morristown.worldwebs.com/assets/images/smileys/21.gif" width="" height="" alt="oh oh" style="border:0;">
hey, check out the "what do you call your neighborhood in maplewood?" thread and what i had to say toward the end...it's right up your boulevard.
Well, you know, all words have something to do with all other words, really. But originally I was going to post "Doctor" and then I thought, "Gee I haven't used the word 'Chinaman' in a very very long time."
However, I could illustrate my point using the words on this thread.
Benjamin Franklin was supposed to have invented a more efficient method of farming cabbage.
And an author named Benjamin Franklin Tweed wrote a book "THe Musical Supplement and Congregational Melodist."
And the Tweed is a great Scottish river, known for its quality salmon fishing. And you can't have a river without some pools.
And the last guy to lose the office pool at Brookfield school district was taken away in handcuffs, and in the movie "Swimfan," one of the characters is pushed into the pool while handcuffed.
and on and on, until we get to the Chinaman who imports cinnamon....