Wi-Fi keeps going out.

I rebooted several times.  Anyone else?


who's the provider?  If there's no outage reported - have them send someone out and check the lines.  Happened to me twice.  One time I think it was squirrels eating the line.  More recently (last month) it was one of the connectors to the pole.  It took 3 or 4 visits to get this one correctly diagnosed.

Agree with Jamie.  Time to call your internet provider.

Sounds like Verizon, I’ve had similar issues. I disconnected everything, let it sit for about half hour and plugged everything back in. Worked fine.

Yup, it’s Verizon   Thanks!

Jaytee said:

Sounds like Verizon, I’ve had similar issues. I disconnected everything, let it sit for about half hour and plugged everything back in. Worked fine.

There’s also an issue with latest iOS update, not talking to SIMs properly. I don’t know enough to explain it, but rebooting should’ve helped fix it. Just mentioning the issue in case someone else has it.

Jaytee said:

Sounds like Verizon, I’ve had similar issues. I disconnected everything, let it sit for about half hour and plugged everything back in. Worked fine.

I had that problem with Verizon and was told that my equipment (router and box) was too old.  Verizon replaced them and system is fine now.

I had a problem with our FiOS TV connection yesterday. I am not lying when I say I solved it by unplugging the TV and plugging it back in. I tried everything else first. Grrrrr!

With FIOS, I had to disconnect everything and reconnect at the entry box to the house several times. Once it needed a new battery.

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