Kismet's Life in Maine

Hey all, not too log ago I posted in South Orange specific "Goodbye South Orange"

A few of us left your area around the same time...Lisat, pixigirl to name a few (others too). I have been reading pixigirl's blog (so happy) and also lisat's (a different adventure)...some folks asked that I stay in touch so I thought I'd start one too. My story is as happy as pixigirl's but I went north to Maine in stead of south. There are some photos in the other thread and I'll post more soon. While I miss my "folks" from South Orange/Maplewood terribly, I have not looked back. The pace is slower here, the environment gorgeous, the people just generally more polite and friendly.

Looks like we may have found our new home (been renting a fabulous- see photos- home for the time being). Hopefully the closing will be in January. When it is a definite I'll write about it - a most amazing place...

Folks, there is time to breathe, to smile at a stranger and have them smile back (or -gasp- to speak to you), look up an unknown bird at the feeder, watch the sun on the water, the wind in the trees...without constantly looking at your watch.

Lisat is here in this wonderful state too and we will connect soon. She's a MUCH better writer than I am but I felt the need to share ...your dreams can come true.

You write just fine...looking forward to hearing (and seeing) all about it!

I agree with musicmz ... You write fine.

I'm really glad you started your own thread, glad to hear you found a home !!! I think my girls and I may pay a visit to Maine *wink* .

Glad you and your family are enjoying your new home ... You are very missed.

By the way, how are the kitties ?? I wanna some pictures of your kitties missy wink

Write on!

I'd love to read your stories.

Many thanks! We put an offer in on a house and after some back and was accepted! We are so excited! So, no more "in transition"....we're really HERE! Closing won't be until January and the move probably not until March (the new place needs some work- hey! a story line oh oh ).Photos of where we are now (fabulous rental) and Kitties to come.....

A side a "rabid" (as my husband puts it ) Patriots much fun!

The call of the loon is one of the most forlorn, beautiful sounds....

Glad you're settling in and happy! I was thinking about you all day, as I've been working on the empire dresser. It's nearly ready to be used. Sometime, my husband will get time (maybe....) to make a new scroll thing to replace the broken one, but for now it will be nice to have it out of the basement and in use. It is truly gorgeous.

We're also die-hard Pats fans. Celebrating tonight's win. oh oh

Hey kismet, congrats on your new home !!!

Now, tell me does it have a porch ?? wink

It does! Not like the one we left behind in SO but we will be expanding it sometime in the future...for now it is small but delightful oh oh

@ teneciah - so glad that dresser has a good home 'tis a beautiful piece

Morning! "It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood"!!
I promised some photos-
the view-

the house (rental, photos of new house to come)

@harley -the cats waiting for breakfast

Oscar (yes! my semi -feral..kitty cat Prozac has worked wonders)

Kitties look great !!! Glad to see they are adjusting good oh oh .


There is a pond on the property too - mallards and great blue herons make spectacular landings

Oooohhhhhh I like the porch !!!! wink

Nice porch and a pond too - very nice.

Incredibly beautiful! Congrats on the accepted offer too.

My neighbor (also my friend and "landlady") works for a nursery up here that makes thousands of balsam wreathes (supplies LLbean, ships all over for fundraisers, tree lots, etc). There are 4 occupied homes on this little peninsula right now (there are others, not many, but they are summer residences). Two days ago she stopped at each of the 4 houses at 9:30 at night (long hours for them right now) and delivered either wreathes or swags and holiday wishes....I love it here oh oh

If all goes well, the new house (a cape built in 1840, lifted in 1880 and new first floor added)-

^^^^^ love love love it !!!!

So happy for you !! Enjoy your new home wink

One of my cousins lives in Maine. He is a full time house re habber. Phil will buy a house that needs considerable work at a good price.
He then moves in, which of course saves him money and spends the next year or so doing a great job in making the house attractive to buyers He sells and moves on to the next project.

He had a great Captains House in Thomaston but most recently rehabbed a house just a block away from the Farnsworth Museum in Rockland Maine.

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