Baby Otter in Ellyn and Zeke's garage in a channel off of Barnegat Bay.

An Otter got into the garage and had a litter. This one was abandoned. Probably a runt. Zeke is caring for it and so far, it is. thriving.

Formerlyjerseyjack said:

An Otter got into the garage and had a litter. This one was abandoned. Probably a runt. Zeke is caring for it and so far, it is. thriving.

How exciting! I'd love to add a painting of an otter to my upcoming show. If you would like, send lots of pictures!

Morganna said:

How exciting! I'd love to add a painting of an otter to my upcoming show. If you would like, send lots of pictures!

Sorry. s/he is gone into the salt marsh.

Formerlyjerseyjack said:

Sorry. s/he is gone into the salt marsh.

Happy she's safe. I'm doing categories of animals and although there is no shortage of cats, I can't shoot my own reference for wildlife other than my local crew, deer, raccoons, woodchucks and the like.

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