Graphic Novel/Trade Paperback Book Group: loving comic books since 1970

Hi!  To all those who would like to have lively discussions face to face about comic books and graphic novels, please reach out to me as I create a list for lively, monthly chats.  I shall try to use books at the local libraries to keep costs down.  Barnes and Noble has a nice reading space.  

Summer reading for the Fall: the "Saga" books. In trade, I believe number 5 is out, so 1 to 5 it is (I have them for borrowers).  If 6 comes out, read on! Please join us in September and also, over the summer, note your favorite pages, panels, and plot twists.


New name for this book group - SOMa Comic Book Chat.  Please look for it and its comments if interested in meeting up. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you!

Started a new group name thread.  Please go to the above book group name. Hope you'll come in September.  Thanks!

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