Inconsequential Chat

** This thread was started in the Virtual Cafe, but as there only seem to be a couple of posters, I thought it might be better moved to the Blogs section **


The older version of MOL had one. Is it worth starting one again?

Are there occasions when you look into MOL and would just like to chat without actually having anything of substance to contribute to any of the existing threads? Then a Chat Room will fit the bill admirably.

Remember that unlike the old Chat Room, where your contributions disappeared when you logged out, anything you post here will be permanent - unless Dave or Jamie (Blessed be They, their Families and all who sail with Them) smite it ... or you delete it yourself.

What say you ?

Unrelated, but did you ever see the Australian Hummer rental spam that was posted in the thread about foreign spam? I was waiting for you to deny any association with it. :-D

This itself can be the chat thread until and unless one is started but I think it is - insert appropriate word here: interesting, sardonic, ironic, funny, challenging - that an Aussie started this topic given the time differences (which I still can't figure out). :-D

I never liked the chat room as it previously was structured. Most of the time nobody was there when I tried to use it. On the rare occassion when others were there, the conversation became disjointed as several persons tried to "talk" at once, while taking the "discussion" in different directions. IMO, the chat room was disbanded because it did not work on many levels.

I don't think we need a dedicated chat section. Quite a few threads that have been started within the current format of the MOL message board quite nicely fit your definition of a chat thread - [posts that don't] "actually having anything of substance to contribute to any of the existing threads." At present they can be found in almost any section of the mesage board, though most are in Virtual Cafe, as this has become a default for such discussions. Unlike the chat room, where what was data entered in the chat room stayed in the chat room, assuming you could find someone else in the chat room to read what had been written at the time you wrote it, these discussions remain visible to all unless or until they are deleted by Dave or Jamie. Sometimes they even evolve into something of substance, though this may be rare.

A better alternative to the chat room is the PM. You can start a discussion about anything you like, invite a few friends, and chat in relative privacy. The text of the chat remains in your in-box and in the in-boxes of those who are invited to contribute, but you don't have to be concerned with whether what you have to write has any relevance to the general MOL public.

I may be the only one in it during Australian time.

dave said:

I may be the only one in it during Australian time.

Yes, I'd forgotten about that aspect ...

kthnry said:

Unrelated, but did you ever see the Australian Hummer rental spam that was posted in the thread about foreign spam? I was waiting for you to deny any association with it. :-D
I remember seeing it (but can't find it now).

I was thinking of replying to it, and offering to teach the poster the words ... oh oh

Just saw this on an Aussie forum ...

When men talk to their friends, they insult each other.
They don't really mean it.
When women talk to their friends, they compliment each other.
They don't mean it either.

The clock has ticked past midnight in my part of the world ... and so it's good-bye to October, and hello November!

Does the US have 'grey nomads" (or in your case 'gray nomads')?

you planning to join the 'silver wave' over there?? ;-)

I thought I knew marksierra in real life, and now I think I don't.

lisat, it's unlikely unless you've been to Melbourne, Australia. :-D

Mind you, I reckon your family and his would get along well!! Loads of shared interests, great intelligence and naturally active curiosity/imagination. all makes for a great sense of humour: he and mrsmarksierra always leave us with huge smiles on our faces and the sense we've had a holiday in time and place.

Is a gray nomad what we call a snowbird in the US? A retiree who goes south for the winter?

Possibly: our nomads don't just go to warmer climes, they roam wherever they wish, usually with a caravan in tow.
Also known as geriatric gypsies.

I was listening to a radio program about this just a few days ago. It seem that 'our' grey nomads prefer to be known as 'silver gypsies'.

We now have 'silver alerts' here in NJ. They are posted when a senior citizen, usually in some stage of dementia, goes missing while driving. The postings on our electronic highway signs read something like: "Silver alert: 75 year old male driving a 1995 beige Pontiac."

Why is it that when you decide to do some serious vegging-out in front of the TV, there’s nothing on that’s worth watching?

That's why Gd created dvds (or whatever format shifting you use) ;-) :-D

joanne said:

That's why Gd created dvds (or whatever format shifting you use) ;-) :-D
That requires conscious thought ...

Is there a "Law" that covers this situation .. Sod's Law, maybe?

"When you finally have time to watch TV, there's nothing worth watching."

One could use a variation of Pascal's law to choose the dvd: whatever you land up with is evidence of Gd's sense of humour. Or Bertrand Russell's: Gd's roll of the dice. Or Voltaire's: the dvd you land up with is the best choice you have landed up with at that precise moment.

Here you go marksierra - something truly ridiculous we can laugh over!

And here's another:

You should have heard their interview with Kellie Higgins-Devine this arvo, on local ABC (just before she lost it totally in the newsheadlines, and started making choo-choo noises etc to justify her pay grade, following the revealed-salaries story). If the Mandy/Nathan interview is online, it's worth hearing. So many hysterical throwaway lines!

And this Conversation with Richard Fidler!!! Wow!!!§ion=article&date=%28none%29

So many lovely puns to be had ...

"Croc-watching is for the birds". Or ... "Lost a camera? It's flown the coop".

Contributions welcome.

The story?

A sea eagle has recorded unusual footage of WA's remote Kimberley after stealing a video camera and taking it on a 100 kilometre journey.

Aboriginal rangers had set up the motion-sensor camera at a gorge on the Margaret River in May, to try and capture images of fresh-water crocodiles.

Gooniyandi ranger Roneil Skeen says the camera disappeared not long afterwards.

"Unexpectedly our camera went missing so we thought we had lost it because it fell into the water," he said.

But a few weeks ago, they got a phone call to say a Parks and Wildlife ranger had found the small device at the Mary River, about 110 kilometres away.

They have been able to extract three 30-second clips that reveal the culprit to be a thieving sea eagle

(More on the link, above, including footage recorded by the camera)

It was an eyrie sight and no mistake.

note how my friend ignores my attempts to lure him into conversation, above.


joanne said:

note how my friend ignores my attempts to lure him into conversation, above.


Yebbut, I don't hear/listen to Fidler.

Yebbut THESE were good!!! Faine is good for everyday, but these were worth grabbing online (not sure if they're still there); Faine doesn't always match this standard...

Plus, I hadn't known until I read in last week's papers that Ferguson has MS. Wow. DAAS have certainly changed/aged/morphed, eh? Who would've known??

Yes I'm screaming: I live in a police state; YOU HAVE TO SAVE ME FROM THE NEW BJELKE-PIETERSEN ERA! Actually, Bjelke & Co would possibly be a step up. And we can't leave; it's sounds as if the RAbbit Cabinet might be as bad...

Oh dear. Fidler had the Kransky sisters on this morning. poor Dawn, the others really don't understand her do they??

(And could this be the real explanation for Pauline Hanson?? ;-) )

It seemed to be a rehash done for this event:
and also in light of the Adelaid Festival.

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