Lightweight Rollator

Hi All,

I need to get myself a rollator.  Been using one borrowed from a friend.

What I have weighs 20 pounds, would like something lighter as I am struggling with loading this into the back seat.


Here's the one I have in a different color

Best regards

Ron Carter

rcarter31 said:

Hi All,

I need to get myself a rollator.  Been using one borrowed from a friend.

What I have weighs 20 pounds, would like something lighter as I am struggling with loading this into the back seat.


Here's the one I have in a different color

Best regards

Ron Carter

That;s way too heavy, especially if you have to load it yourself. While I don't know of lighter options, I did see this one on Amazon. 12.6 lbs and I think that Medline is a fairly respectable company..

KarenMarlowe said:

That;s way too heavy, especially if you have to load it yourself. While I don't know of lighter options, I did see this one on Amazon. 12.6 lbs and I think that Medline is a fairly respectable company..

I ordered one.   Will Report.

had experience with a 4 wheel rollator  with a seat with my husband — weighed a ton and took up so much space at home, in restaurants, traveling, etc.

I gave it away when he died and, and when walking became a problem for me, I chose a three wheeler and, while, at this point in time,  I only use it occasionally, I can recommend its light-weight, easy open/ close aspects — and style!

I will probably get the 3 wheeler for car trips as it's so much lighter.  I need the 4 wheeler's seat to "carry" things like when I go do laundry in our building's laundry mat.

Great Idea!

Ron Carter

rcarter31 said:

I will probably get the 3 wheeler for car trips as it's so much lighter.  I need the 4 wheeler's seat to "carry" things like when I go do laundry in our building's laundry mat.

Great Idea!

Ron Carter

My husband just had Achilles tendon repair surgery. He called Aetna Medicare today about getting a knee scooter and they said he would have a zero co-pay if the doctor supported it. You may want to call your insurance company and see what they say… (You can always return the Amazon rollator.)

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