Senior women (50's-60's) run/jog 2-3 times a week. Meisel Track in Springfield.

Unfortunately I think Underhill Track is still closed to the public.  So Meisel track it is?!  Looking for a running parter or partners for around 3 mile run/walk each time.  I've been doing this for 2 years now and it's more fun with company. 

I love to walk briskly at least 3 miles but don't like tracks and I'll be turning 70 soon. I do the neighborhoods or Crest Drive and usually with a friend. Reach out if you want to connect at some time if I'm not too old. lol

I also know that Millburn High School's track is open just about all the time. PM me for details.

wendy said:

I love to walk briskly at least 3 miles but don't like tracks and I'll be turning 70 soon. I do the neighborhoods or Crest Drive and usually with a friend. Reach out if you want to connect at some time if I'm not too old. lol

hi Wendy I'd be interested in walking with you briskly.  How do we connect?  Hopefully you know how, ha ha Lori

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