SOMa Comic Book Chat

This is a change in the thread's title.  Previously Graphic Novels/Trade Paperbacks Book Group...too long a book group name.  Also - an update - let's read "Saga", trade Volume 1 only, NOT 1 to 5 for September's first meeting, if you would like to join us. Please take a looking at Scott McCloud's "Understanding Comics."  Date, time, and place to be named later.

This is a book group that hopes to meet once a month to talk about and read not only comic books in trade format,manga, etc., but also talk about the art form, literature, and movies. See it on Facebook.  Please post suggestions for books. Thanks!

What is on your summer reading list?

I highly suggest Paper Girls. There is a trade of the first 6 issues and the 7th issue came out last month.

Paper Girls is pretty cool so far. Also highly recommend Brian K. Vaughan's The Private Eye - available in hardcover from Image or pay-what-you-like (or nothing at all) as digital:

Lots of Image first volumes I'd recommend:

  • Starve (Top Chef meets Blade Runner)
  • Velvet (best BBC/Netflix show not happening right now; art is stunning)
  • Nowhere Men (Scientists as rock stars)
  • Lazarus (dystopian future where Earth is controlled by a few families)
  • Southern Bastards (gritty story about small-town football and murder)
  • Alex + Ada (boy meets AI synth girl; things get interesting; beautiful art)

If you're a member of the Maplewood Library, I highly recommend installing the free Hoopla app. Tons of digital comics (including all of the ones I'd mentioned). Great way to discover new comics!

Are you steering clear of Big Two titles or open to those as well? I do a Spider-Man podcast about Miles Morales and Spider-Gwen and we try to approach it like an audio book club - i.e., go a little deeper in terms of breaking down the issues as opposed to just "whoa that was awesome." Got to interview a few of the creators as well. grin

Brilliant options, love Paper Girls, Alex + Are, great idea, Lazarus.  Thank goodness we can sit and read in B and N.  South Orange Library upstairs has a few good books.  Maplewood, too.

No, Big Two might be done, only know about Uncanny X-Men a bit.

Hope your summer is going well.  Saga Volume 1 and Understanding Comics are for September.  Alex + Ada for October.  Then Fun Home or Blue is the Warmest Color for December?  All are welcome to come. Please spread the word about Maplewood/South Orange newest book group.

Was telling Steve at Amazing Heroes in Union about this new book group and he made a lovely offer of a 10 percent discount on books we will read. Please give him a call if you would like him to order Saga Volume One and Understanding Comics for you. Please support small local businesses! Hope to meet you in September!

project37 said:

Paper Girls is pretty cool so far. Also highly recommend Brian K. Vaughan's The Private Eye - available in hardcover from Image or pay-what-you-like (or nothing at all) as digital:

Lots of Image first volumes I'd recommend:
  • Starve (Top Chef meets Blade Runner)
  • Velvet (best BBC/Netflix show not happening right now; art is stunning)
  • Nowhere Men (Scientists as rock stars)
  • Lazarus (dystopian future where Earth is controlled by a few families)
  • Southern Bastards (gritty story about small-town football and murder)
  • Alex + Ada (boy meets AI synth girl; things get interesting; beautiful art)

If you're a member of the Maplewood Library, I highly recommend installing the free Hoopla app. Tons of digital comics (including all of the ones I'd mentioned). Great way to discover new comics!

Are you steering clear of Big Two titles or open to those as well? I do a Spider-Man podcast about Miles Morales and Spider-Gwen and we try to approach it like an audio book club - i.e., go a little deeper in terms of breaking down the issues as opposed to just "whoa that was awesome." Got to interview a few of the creators as well. <img src=">

The Miles Morales Spiderman is the only Spiderman comic i am currently reading. I really like his interactions with Nova and Ms. Marvel.

Image is doing amazing books.  Let's definitely choose one of them.  I hope Saga Volume 1 in trade paperback and Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud are being enjoyed for September.  All readers are welcome to join any of the book chats. Date, Time, and Location will be posted soon.  Thanks!

September is soon upon us.  Hope your summer is winding up well.  Thursday, September 22nd, at 8 p.m. all are welcome to join us and talk about all things comic book.  Saga Vol. 1 and Understanding Comics are the main topics. Location to be privately messaged.

Happy Labor Day weekend! See you on September 22nd to discuss all things comic books and trades and graphic novels and Sequential Art. We'll meet in a local joint tba. Invite your friends who need a book readers group like this. 18+ are welcome!

Looking forward to meeting in two weeks on the 22nd at 8 at a local restaurant/pub conducive to chatting. Any suggestions? Also please see us on FB. All are welcome, books read or not. Have a great weekend!

Please RSVP for next Thursday so I know what size table to book. I am leaning towards meeting at St. James's Gate in Maplewood Village. Or Ricalton's Village Tavern in South Orange.

We meet next week at 8 p.m. to talk about Saga Volume 1, McCloud's Understanding Comics, and love of the genre. Please join us at the inaugural meeting of this new book group!

Let's meet at The Snug at Ricalton's at 8 p.m. on Thursday the 22nd. Please join us, books read or not.

Do you like comic books and graphic novels? This is the book group for you! Please join us this Thursday in South Orange at The Snug at 8 p.m. (18 and older.)

Hope to see you tomorrow at 8 p.m.! Will keep checking FB and Maplewoodonline for messages.

Looking forward to tonight. Please join us books read or not!

Thank you all for coming tonight! Our next book will be "Fun Home" for October 13th at 8 p.m. again at The Snug in South Orange. Enjoy!

Please join us for a discussion of all books graphic and comic in 2 weeks. 18 and older welcome, books read or not.

Please let everyone you know who loves comic books and graphic novels that there is a new book group for them to come have lively discussions. Our next book is "Fun Home."

Please read "Fun Home" and join us for a lively discussion on October 13th at 8 p.m. Come to this one meeting if you like the book and want to talk about it. The musical is based on it.

In flight reading. See you on the 13th!

Happy Columbus Day and Indigenous Peoples Day! Hope to see you this Thursday at 8 in The Snug at Ricalton's Village Tavern. Looking forward to talking about "Fun Home" and comic books.

Hope to see you this evening at 8 p.m. at The Snug! Will check for messages.

Thank you for coming out this evening! Our next meeting will be in December. Possible reads: Rebels, Alex + Ada, Rat Queens, Sculptor...

Please spread the word about this new book group. Not just for SO and Ma. Not just for comic book and graphic novel readers. (18+ year olds, though.)

Save the date - December 8th!

What do you think about reading Akira Volume 1 for December 8th?

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