What are your favorite Holiday songs?

Music makes the holidays and I'm a fan of all of it from the sacred to the commercial. I'll kick it off with one from "the ridiculous to the sublime" category.

I love this character so much more than Santa Claus and Frosty. He's a descendent of the beloved Scrooge and proves that holiday magic can change hearts.

I love hearing what’s new every year. I get tired of a lot of the same old pop standards like “A Wonderful Christmastime” and “Jjngle Bell Rock”. I love Taylor Swift’s “Christmas Tree Farm” and my kickoff song for Christmas season is “Christmas Wrapping” by the Waitresses. Oh and another relatively new song (thanks John Schaefer) that I love is “Groovy Christmas” by the Linda Lindas. 

But there is an unmatched pair of Christmas tunes that I will never grow tired of. The two divas of December:

Morganna said:

Music makes the holidays and I'm a fan of all of it from the sacred to the commercial. I'll kick it off with one from "the ridiculous to the sublime" category.

I love this character so much more than Santa Claus and Frosty. He's a descendent of the beloved Scrooge and proves that holiday magic can change hearts.

Sung by the man with the greatest ever name: Thurl Ravenscroft. Also known as Tony the Tiger. And you can hear him on all kinds of classic Disney recordings. 

mrincredible said:

Sung by the man with the greatest ever name: Thurl Ravenscroft. Also known as Tony the Tiger. And you can hear him on all kinds of classic Disney recordings. 

That is a name that is cat-worthy!

The voice is Boris Karlof-esque. The lyrics are sublime.

Please pardon my intrusion here, but I have a Spotify Christmas playlist that's quite special, if you ask me. And I share it with you here. Perfect for a day around the house, wrapping, decorating, drinking egg nogg (barf) or just enjoying the holidays. It's 99 songs and almost 6 hours long. Some fun standards, some funny, novelty songs and some surprises.  Lots of fun. Enjoy. 


The_Soulful_Mr_T said:

Please pardon my intrusion here, but I have a Spotify Christmas playlist that's quite special, if you ask me. And I share it with you here. Perfect for a day around the house, wrapping, decorating, drinking egg nogg (barf) or just enjoying the holidays. It's 99 songs and almost 6 hours long. Some fun standards, some funny, novelty songs and some surprises.  Lots of fun. Enjoy. 


Wonderful! Thanks T

Nothing will ever top Darlene Love for me, but I wouldn’t mind hearing this one more often around the holidays.

DaveSchmidt said:

Nothing will ever top Darlene Love for me, but I wouldn’t mind hearing this one more often around the holidays.

I love everything he's done but for me, nothing transports me like Into the Mystic.

Why don't you play the Word Association: Music Edition game?

And if I were to pick a non-holiday song that I'd like to hear around the holidays I'd pick Family Tree. I sing to it in my car which belonged to my Dad. Makes me think of my cousins and I'm going to post it to them on FB.

Got my first degree in Choral Conducting which keeps me on the lookout for new music!

Got to sing this one at Marble Collegiate some years ago.

To me it captures very vividly the night and the Glory of it!

Morganna said:

Why don't you play the Word Association: Music Edition game?

Heh. I did for a while years ago, but one of the regulars objected to the creative liberties I was taking, so I withdrew.

Mario Lanza’s Christmas album is a family favorite, kindled by my dad’s love of it. In this track, my son and I get a kick out of the solemnly intoned introduction of each king.

DaveSchmidt said:

Heh. I did for a while years ago, but one of the regulars objected to the creative liberties I was taking, so I withdrew.

We lost a really interesting player, so it got down to just Mr. T and I. Now @marksierra and @weekends have popped in. And T and I take our share of creative liberties, right  @The_Soulful_Mr_T  ?

As soon as I hear this song on the radio, the Christmas spirit start to kick in

DaveSchmidt said:

Morganna said:

Why don't you play the Word Association: Music Edition game?

Heh. I did for a while years ago, but one of the regulars objected to the creative liberties I was taking, so I withdrew.

Never happened!  tongue rolleye

I love Joni's RIVER which I consider a Christmas song. 

The_Soulful_Mr_T said:

Never happened! 
tongue rolleye

Heh heh.

The inimitable Armenter Chatmon:

And may as well add this.

The great Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings

ros said:

The great Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings

Saw her live in concert a few times. Once on the lawn at Madison Square Park. Once at BAM in Brooklyn, opening for Morris Day. What a show. What a powerhouse of soul. Fantastic. 

I always enjoy this song from the movie Toys

EBennett said:

I always enjoy this song from the movie Toys

I love this! I had never heard this song before.

DaveSchmidt said:

Heh heh.

The inimitable Armenter Chatmon:

Wow, I love old blues. This artist was unknown to me.  The title and cover alone will impress my step daughter. Sending it via FB.

rcarter31 said:

Got my first degree in Choral Conducting which keeps me on the lookout for new music!

Got to sing this one at Marble Collegiate some years ago.

To me it captures very vividly the night and the Glory of it!

Beautiful. I sang briefly in a choir. Now I'd happily settle for a round of caroling. 

Some of the most beautiful voices in NYC gather to sing at Midnight Mass at St. John the Divine. My ex-husband and I used to attempt to out-sing each other as we joined in with the huge crowd. 

Its also my favorite place to be during the blessing of the animals. Nothing is as exciting as the light flooding in as the doors open and an elephant leads man and beasts to the altar. 

I am a complete sucker for Christmas music.

two favorites are:

this one just brings me back to my childhood.  Still gives me chills. And I didn't pick the name drummerboy for nuthin.

And this is just some great music. Big fan of The Roches.

hope these links work. they should point to playlists for the complete albums.

Morganna said:

Wow, I love old blues. This artist was unknown to me.  The title and cover alone will impress my step daughter. Sending it via FB.

He was better known as Bo Carter, of the ribald Mississippi Sheiks (which earned me a WTF on Word Association).

EPA: Whoops, my end parenthesis keeps erasing my wink.

DaveSchmidt said:

He was better known as Bo Carter, of the ribald Mississippi Sheiks (which earned me a WTF on Word Association

Are you sure it wasn't meant in a good way? 

Anyway, maybe it's time to revisit the game and throw down.

Years of working in discos has often left me with a brain cluttered with "ah beep beep."  

Mr. T resurrects some pretty obscure tunes, so I imagine he would welcome some new challenges.

I would imagine @drummerboy and @ml1 would be great at the game and I can imagine some very good input from @ridski. Perhaps everyone played long before I joined MOL.

drummerboy said:

I am a complete sucker for Christmas music.

two favorites are:

this one just brings me back to my childhood.  Still gives me chills. And I didn't pick the name drummerboy for nuthin.

And this is just some great music. Big fan of The Roches.

hope these links work. they should point to playlists for the complete albums.

Click to Read More

drummerboy said:

I am a complete sucker for Christmas music.

two favorites are:

this one just brings me back to my childhood.  Still gives me chills. And I didn't pick the name drummerboy for nuthin.

And this is just some great music. Big fan of The Roches.

hope these links work. they should point to playlists for the complete albums.

I was waiting for you to join in. I actually had decided to interrupt on one of the Pollitics threads. 

Morganna said:

Anyway, maybe it's time to revisit the game and throw down.

I just skimmed the first 400 pages of Word Association Music. Some really creative selections and so many players that have left MOL.

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