SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING (was: Thunderstorms Likely this Afternoon)

Wednesday June 26th

Today will be warmer, with highs in the low 90⁰s and a heat index in the upper 90⁰s likely. This afternoon likely brings showers and thunderstorms. Could seen a strong gust or three during a storm. Storms most likely from 6pm to 9pm.


A severe storm is approaching the MAPSO area right now and should be here around 8:10pm

Hazards include strong gusts and potential small hail

That storm front was crazy windy.

Two tree-size limbs from ancient town trees (oak) now on the ground greeted me this morning when I looked out the window.  Thankfully nothing hit the house.  Nixle alert of numerous trees down in the road and numerous wires down.  Hope everyone is OK.

joan_crystal said:

Two tree-size limbs from ancient town trees (oak) now on the ground greeted me this morning when I looked out the window.  Thankfully nothing hit the house.  Nixle alert of numerous trees down in the road and numerous wires down.  Hope everyone is OK.

Need any help getting it cleared?

PeterWick said:

Need any help getting it cleared?

Thank you.  I was able to use the lopper and hand saw to cut the limb into manageable size pieces and drag the remaining limbs to the curb.  DPW already picked up the pieces.

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